The fragile beauty of the snowdrop flower pushes through the harsh elements to reveal the promise of brighter days and rebirth.
Snowdrop is one of the first bulbs to bloom in the early Spring. Usually they’ll appear January thru April and can form impressive carpets of white blossoms. Snowdrops spread, but are not invasive, so that if you come back to the same spot year after year you may feel lifted at the sight of their patient, modest increase. A gardener friend tells me there are many places around the country where they have established themselves for more than a hundred years.

Snowdrops and Carnations are both considered winter flowers and might be two ideas to consider for a January memorial service , grave side or memorial garden planting. When the earth begins to warm in the spring, a memorial stone or tree dedication could be added to personalize the sacred spot.
They (carnations and snowdrops) are also the birth flowers for the zodiac sign of aquarious. So they might also make great congradulatory flowers for a birth in the month of Aquarious. Jan 20/Feb 18