Cremation Storage Options for Loved Ones with Memorial Urns

The most traditional type of storage for cremated remains is a cremation urn. Containers can be made from a wide variety of materials, including wood, bronze, or other metals. They can be used indoors or outdoors, as you please. Some families prefer a simple wooden box, while others may choose memorial urns with more fanciful decorations and even engravings to remember their loved ones. Theme-based urns, religious urns, and sculpted memorials can all be chosen. When it comes to displaying the urn, you can choose to keep the urn in your home or find a spot in a cemetery mausoleum or buried on the property and marked with a grave marker.
Many memorial urns are now made from biodegradable materials, so if you choose to bury your loved one's ashes they will become part of the earth as the memorial urn breaks down. Some families choose to scatter the ashes, if this is your choice, there are urns available that will aid in a clean dispersal. If you prefer to have the ashes scattered at sea, professional charter services are available and will help you accomplish the goal of a memorial service on the water. In addition to spreading the ashes, some people will use a headstone, memorial rock, or grave marker to remember your loved one, choosing to plant a tree or create a living memorial.
Cremation benches are another popular option. These structures will have an integrated repository, so that you can hold the ashes inside of. Benches and statuary, like the urns, can be held in a private garden or a cemetery. Your funeral director can guide you through the process, as some cemeteries may have property restrictions.
In addition to memorial markers and cremation urns, another option for those who want to remember and honor their loved ones is with jewelry that can double as a tiny portable memorial.